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Homophobic abuse disgrace at West Ham

POLICE ARE investigating allegations that home fans chanted homophobic abuse at West Ham home match against Brighton on Saturday, 1st February – and they are asking for any witnesses to come forward with information.

It is thought that a number of fans who were watching the game from the Sir Trevor Brooking stand were involved in chanting abuse.

Inspector Matt Ashmead from the Metropolitan Police Public Order Investigation Team said,We take allegations such as these extremely seriously and will act accordingly to any information brought to our attention. We work in partnership with the Club and the stadium safety team to identify those who commit hate crime at football and we will take robust action against them.

“With the assistance of law-abiding fans this weekend we were able to identify and arrest two individuals who were obtusely shouting homophobic abuse towards other supporters during this game. We welcome any further information or footage that would supply further evidence, or identify other offenders.

“Behaviour like this is completely unacceptable and perpetrators will be held accountable for their actions, so that the majority of law-abiding fans can enjoy a football game without the minority ruining their experience.”

Anyone who has any information about the allegations is asked to contact police on 020-8246 9386. Alternatively you can contact Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111 and give information anonymously.

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