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Sanchez Edwards: jailed for horror attack on 92 year old woman

Horror attack on 92 year old Hackney woman leads to jail

SANCHEZ EDWARDS has been given a jail sentence of nearly six years. His 92 year old victim has been given a life sentence: she remains traumatised – suffering recurring nightmares and unable to leave home – and in pain, a “shadow of my former self” as she put it.

The crime occurred on 27th June last year. Edwards followed his victim and chose his moment to grab her handbag. She held on, and he dragged her along the road – bruising and injuring her whole side and cracking several ribs. Eventually she had to let go and Edwards made off with the handbag.

Everyone who has heard the victim’s story is shocked that she was subjected to such an ordeal. She had recently lost her husband of 68 years, after caring for him for the last ten years of his life. Even today she remains in pain from the injuries to her side and ribs – which makes it hard for her to sleep as she can’t lie on that side.

Edwards, 28 and of no fixed address, appeared at Wood Green Crown Court last August and pleaded guilty to one count of robbery. He was remanded in custody and appeared at the same court on 7th March, when he was sentenced to five years and eight months in prison.

He was deemed “dangerous” under the terms of the Criminal Justice Act 2003, which means that he will have to serve at least two thirds of the sentence. He will need to obtain the agreement of the parole board before being released and when he is released he will be on licence, which will run for a further three years after the conclusion of his sentence.

Under the provisions of the Mental Health Act, Judge Greenburg ordered that Edwards remain in hospital, under the supervision of medical staff, until those staff decided it was appropriate for him to leave hospital. At that point he would service the balance of his sentence in prison.

When he was handing down the sentence, the Judge pointed out that Edwards had clearly targeted someone who was elderly and whom he could easily overpower. He also noted that Edwards had three former convictions for robbery and said that there was a significant risk that he could offend again.

Detective Inspector Paul Ridley from Hackney CID said, “This has been an extremely emotive case with scores of officers working relentlessly to identify and hunt down this dangerous attacker. The public also assisted greatly, re-circulating the appeal tens of thousands of times through social media, which led to him being named. The lady has lived her entire life unscathed, yet Edwards’ brutal and callous actions have destroyed this in an instant.

“At no time throughout these proceedings has he ever offered an explanation for his actions, taken responsibility or shown any empathy or compassion towards the victim. I sincerely hope that the lady is able to re-build her life following this horrific ordeal.”

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Sanchez Edwards: guilty of horror attack in Hackney

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