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How important is your family?

By Faizah Sharif

Everyone who has a family should be grateful and should show that gratefulness to there family members. Do ever think about how hard it is for those who don’t have a mother or a father? Or what about those who have to live in a care home? We don’t really think about what’s going on in our community, do we? Well, some people do, and they try to do something about these problems, and we should follow those people. We might not have many conflicts in our home, our friends might not have any family problems either, but how do you know if your mum and dad are not going through a hard time? How do you know if your families not on the verge of breaking apart? Yes, maybe your parents wouldn’t want you to interfere in there problems, you might be thinking why? Well there are a lot of reasons behind this: maybe you’re too young, maybe you won’t understand or maybe your parent doesn’t want you to worry about other issues because they care about you. Yep, that’s the answer I prefer.

If you are having a family issue, then I suggest you stay out of it! But if you really feel like you should be helping, then there is something that you can do, you should support both your parents, but mostly your mum, no offence to dads, but the reason I said this is because mothers are more sensitive and emotional than fathers, mothers are easy to talk to and they are more understanding. Fathers are stronger and they can control there feelings and emotions. By support, I mean you should be there for your mum, not argue for her, no way! Its not about who’s right and who’s wrong, you don’t need to worry about that, just help your mum as much as you can: you can help her clean the house, look after your siblings ten times better than you usually do, help her with the cooking, comfort her and most importantly, tell her how much she means to you. I insure you, your love for your mother will grow even stronger and your parents will try to solve there problems just for your sake.


Ask yourselves a few questions:

Do we ever value our mothers? Do we ever look at them with importance? Do we ever give them the respect they deserve? Do we ever show them our love and affection, or should we ‘owe’ them the gift of happiness in return of our lives. Our mothers are those who gave birth to us, they would stay up all night caring for us and maybe more, no matter how tired or fed up they would get, they still cared for us, though they had no choice, they still did it with 100% love, devotion and they used up all there energy. Our mothers brought us up and maybe for some of us they still are doing so.

Do you think that our houses run automatically? No! Some one runs it…and that person is our mother. Yes, our fathers do have an important role in our lives, they do the outside work, they also earn money, they do the groceries, the driving E.C.T, but they can never fulfil the duty of a mother.

I could write pages and pages going on and on about why mothers are so important, but briefly I can say that its time for us to realise that we don’t give our mothers enough respect, importance, value and love. Even if we gave them all the stars in the galaxy, it would still not be enough to repay them for what they did for us. The reason why I have abbreviated the verb ‘owe’ is because the word emphasises that what ever success or goodness our lives have in store for us, what ever we have gained in our lives and what ever we are…we owe our mother all those things.

For those teens who read this poem, I hope it makes you cry, realise and I hope it gives you a pain in your heart strong enough to go and hug your mother and give her a kiss on her forehead. For those mothers, I hope my poem makes you smile and realise that your hard work doesn’t go Unnoticed. For those fathers, I hope you realise and help your wives as much as you can, and for every one, I hope you appreciate your mother’s hard work and understand her, her sorrows and her happiness.

Written by Faizah Sharif, Aged 14.

One comment

  1. My articles should make you think about you and the people around you, some of my articles have strong reminders about how we should live our live’s. I hope my articles bring changes to our community and our selv’s, somtimes we forget about our duteis and responsibilities which is why I write about common topics to alert everyone about thier actions and intentions. Thank you

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