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Suffering in Eastern Ghouta. Photo: Human Appeal

Human Appeal asks for help for Eastern Ghouta work

THE UK-BASED charity Human Appeal has been working in Syria since the start of the civil war in 2011. It’s not the only charity working there, but it’s certainly done its share.

By their own account, this is the aid which Human Appeal has provided in Syria in just the last year.
Distributed 8,000 tonnes of flour to bakeries producing bread, reaching 1,664,000 people across Idleb, Hama and Aleppo.
Reached 2,082,370 people with food assistance and food security projects.
Delivered projects funded by UNICEF to provide education to nearly 36,000 children in camps for internally displaced families.
Delivered healthcare and nutrition projects in Aleppo and Idlib to nearly 23,000 people.
Carried out a camp management project funded by the UN OCHA that helped more than 7,100 people living in camps in northern Idlib safe and warm during the tough winter months.

Now Human Appeal is trying to assist the humanitarian cause in Eastern Ghouta – the latest enclave to be opened up for a short while. The people there have been isolated for a long time and the suffering is great.

Human Appeal is now asking for your help so that it can help the people stranded in Eastern Ghouta with food, fuel, medicine – and a little bit of hope.

To make a donation to Human Appeal’s Syria Emergency fund, go to:

•Read more about it:
Human Appeal eases suffering in Gaza
Rohingya: Human Appeal calls for support


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