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Human Relief Foundation appeals for support for homeless

Emdad Rahman

AN EAST END charity is appealing for help to support some of London’s most needy citizens. The Whitechapel based Human Relief Foundation (HRF) is calling on local residents to make generous donations of food as well as other essentials. These will then be donated to local homeless charity The Whitechapel Mission. 

Fundraising manager Khoyrul Shaheed said, “The sad fact is homelessness is a huge problem in one of the world’s greatest cities and in England rough sleeping has doubled since 2010. This is very sad and we must all do what we can to help alleviate the suffering of fellow humans. Human Relief Foundation is proud to work with the Whitechapel Mission – an established local charity that had served the homeless for well over a century. I’m urging well wishers to visit our offices and drop off food donations.”

The Whitechapel Mission has been serving the homeless and marginalised for 140 years – with services including a day centre, skills training and career advice, activity programmes and specialist support for complex needs. By encouraging each person to address the issues which caused their homelessness, the Mission helps them to gain the skills and confidence to make lasting changes in their lives.

Launched in 1991, HRF seeks to promote sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities through relief and developmental programmes, supporting them to build a better life and find their own solutions to global problems.

HRF staff are requesting tinned food, pasta, beans, tea, coffee, sugar, plum tomatoes, along with sanitary pads, cosmetics and razor blades to be dropped off at the London office, 93 New Road, Whitechapel, London E1 1HH.


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