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"i dont know"By Fatema Chowdhury, (Aged15)

Are you the type of student that answers, ‘I don’t know’ or ‘I have no idea’, when a teacher asks you, what do you want to do when you grow up? I am one of those students. 
It’s very frustrating to see those who know exactly what to do with there life, while you sit there having no clue. Breaking news:- YOU’RE NOT ALONE! There are many students (of all ages) in the world who still have no idea what is that they want to do. Some GCSE students have no incite of their future, as to what they should opt for in a career and they’re about to go on to college. Grown ups that have degrees, still have no idea which path to take.

I have a friend who is very confused in my eyes, because she changes here profession choice every week. She takes great interest in everything, very optimistic, but doesn’t quite know where to land. I had come to a stand still and had asked my parents for their opinion. My mother suggested that I become a teacher of some sort. I was shocked. I sat there thinking,

mum must really believe in me because she knows I can’t stand little children. My father opposed, he says I should become a solicitor. It’s really hard, there’s a lot pressure and competition for that job.

It’s not that simple as it was 25years ago. I spoke with a close relative about my career picking troubles. So she told me to do the things I enjoy. I started to contemplate on what she had suggested. I had to take the subjects I liked the most and be the best I could be at it. This would eventually lead on to great things. It doesn’t give me a career but it gave me a path to follow. The end result would be having a job that I enjoy and I would be taking my own path, not the job my friend was going for and end up following their dreams and which you will regret. 
My message: It’s ok if you don’t know what you’ll be doing in the future, it’s inevitable, you’ll get there one way or another. (If this doesn’t help, speak to a life couch.)

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