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I search for the truth, justice and the true meaning of life…

:: Faizah Sharif ::

Blurb:Khushi is now on her way back to India to find her dad and ask him the questions that he never had a reply to. She is now 23 years old, a forensic student, a journalist and is a girl who never nor will lose hope.
When Khushi was 13 years old, her father suddenly disappeared after a family vacation. Khushi’s mother always knew why, how and where their dad went, but she never told anyone. During the past, Khushi some how knew that her dad would ditch them in the future, but she never opened her mouth, she didn’t even tell her mother…she had other plans ready for the future…
Travel on the journey through Khushi’s past, present and future and discover the sad but breathtaking destiny of a spectacular girl.
Chapter one 
I got off the plane, the humid, sticky heat rushed right through me. I’m here again, but with a completely different motive. The last time I came was sensational and I was so excited, my mother thought I was going to jump off the plane (before it landed), I just couldn’t wait to get out of the airport. And today, I’m willing to wait for the moment. 
My name is Khushi Sudha, I am 23 years old and I’m in India again, ready to ask my unanswered questions once again and win justice for my mother and my sisters. This is my journey through life…
Secondary school…its all about fun and mistakes, but your second year is all about acting like “your not in year 7 any more, your in year 8 now, which means you rule the school”. Well it’s like that for every one who starts year 8 and its nothing bad, just don’t go over the limit. It was my first day in year 8, and as far as I could remember I started the year late because we came back from India. It was my sixth time back and this time my whole family came with us. Normally we go alone every other year but this year was the best because everyone was there! Except…my cousins, uncles and aunties go and stay in Ganesha Hotel while I and my family stay in our mansion. But the mansion and hotel are in the same town so we used to visit them a lot!
Once we came back to America and settled down every thing was perfect and back to normal, but not my dad. He wasn’t the paapa I knew. He used to always joke about with me and we used to have quality time together, but after we came back from India, all he used to do is work all day and come home to sleep. He used to work as a taxi driver, but that doesn’t mean he would work all day? Soon I found out he started smoking, and then drinking and then…came the disaster. 
Chapter two
Now I’m waiting in terminal two. I remember, every time we came to India, paapa’s whole family would come and wait anxiously for us to come out so they could give us welcoming hugs and kisses. And now, I’m only waiting for two people; my dad’s brother (my Chachu) and his son (Arnav Bhayya). Arnav Bhayya is married but my sister-in-law or my Chachu’s wife are not allowed to come and pick me up, it’s a traditional thing, women should not go out that much but I’m sure there was some other reason for their absence.
The story continues…

One comment

  1. aaahh, so sweet!its you for real, innit? Well don`t try to fool me but most of the details was yours…

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