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ILFL 40+ Vets League makes debut

Emdad Rahman

THE INNER LONDON Football League (ILFL) has once again set the veterans scene buzzing with the launch of the 40+ League at Stepney Green Astroturf. 

ILFL40 2The league is played in Stepney Green every Monday from 9-10 pm. The teams competing in the inaugural league are: FC Bengal, Sylhet FC, Fifty Club, FC Nacido, Newark Vets, Beaumont Masters and Poplar Legends. The initiative displays the passion the organisation has for promoting men’s health and keeping the elderly and retired active and engaged in sports.

Koys Miah, the Chair of the ILFL, was pleased with the opening night fixtures. “It was a no brainier and a decision which was wholeheartedly supported by the organisation,” he said. “As the existing veterans league on Thursday nights has progressed for the past five years, many players have aged and find it difficult to compete with the younger retirees – and so this competition, aimed specifically at this age group, was a natural progression.”

For a thorough list of all the activities the ILFL provides, go to: 

•Read more about it:
Stepney FC off to a winning start
Astonishing comeback sees Stepney lift BFA Sonali Bank Cup


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