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Ilford man went from mental torture to murder

A MAN WITH A controlling personality finally lost control – and brutally murdered his wife. This is the essence of a longer story which the Old Bailey listened to for ten days – before convicting Muhammad Javed, 59, of Staines Road, Ilford.

Javed had been married to Saeeda Hussain, 54, for 18 years – during which he abused and assaulted her. He installed CCTV cameras in the house so he could watch her – allegedly to ensure that she was not cheating on him.

Saeeda kept quiet about how she was being treated. Only when she had died did family members admit to the police that Javed could lose his temper at the slightest provocation and that they knew that he had been assaulting her. Only when she had died did family members admit that they had seen Javed’s anger grow in the weeks before her death – to the point that they had feared for their safety. How right they were.

On Tuesday, 13th February last year, Javed attacked Saeeda Hussain with a meat cleaver. He phoned family members and told them what he had done and they went over to the house. Javed then went to Ilford police station and confessed what he had done. The police, accompanied by paramedics, and family members arrived at the house at the same time.

The police went in and found the door to the living room had been locked. They forced their way in and found Saeeda, a hammer and a meat cleaver, and a boiler suit – all covered in blood. The following day a post mortem found that Saeeda had died from multiple injuries as a result of a sustained and brutal attack.

Javed will return to the Old Bailey on 21st June for sentencing.

Detective Inspector John Marriott of the Homicide and Major Crime Command, warned of the dangers of mental torture, saying, “The only person who ever thought Saeeda was cheating was Javed, and this was the product of his own warped mind. I have no doubt that Javed planned this assault to coincide with a time when he knew his family were away from the home. He probably donned the boiler suit, which we found blood-spattered, to avoid getting his wife’s blood on his clothes.

“Javed was controlling and violent and this escalated in the brutal murder of his wife, Saeeda. If ever a case shows the importance of contacting police if you are in, or aware of, an abusive relationship, then this is it.”

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