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Cllr Ohid Ahmed speaks out at Independent Group press conference.

Indes grill Biggs on safety and services

A LACK OF leadership and consistent failures on governance, service delivery and keeping residents safe – that’s the criticism which the Tower Hamlets Independent Group of Councillors is throwing at Labour’s Mayor, John Biggs.

The Indes cite an increase in the number of “acid attacks” – people throwing various liquids at the victims during street attacks – as evidence that the borough’s streets are not as safe as they used to be. They also point out that they criticised John Biggs’s budget decision to cut 34 Partnership Police Officers originally appointed by Mayor Lutfur Rahman. Biggs is now considering re-instating some of the sacked 34 officers.

Former Deputy Mayor & Independent Group mayoral candidate Cllr Ohid Ahmed has come up with a five point plan to improve safety:
More police officers & THEOs on the beat
More youth workers, youth centres and youth provision
Support for anti-drugs services and campaigns
Fire Safety & Maintenance – greater accountability from RSLs and others
Establish Tower Hamlets Hate Crime Commission

Cllr Ohid Ahmed, said: “Tower Hamlets is falling apart due to John Biggs’s repeated failures. He has failed to listen or deliver. In the current climate, many residents are seriously concerned about the safety of their families outside and fire safety inside their homes. It is astonishing that John Biggs has shut down our 18 youth centres, sacked 34 dedicated local police officers that we appointed, stopped CCTV upgrade, removed Community Safety Co-ordinator post, failed Ofsted inspection, yet found money to award a shocking increase in his own salary.  Is it any wonder that residents feel hapless and abandoned?”

Leader of the Independent Group Cllr Oliur Rahman said: “Blairite Mayor John Biggs has failed the residents and broken his promises. Tower Hamlets residents deserve better.”

•Read more about it:
Inde Councillors call on MPs to act on fire safety
Inde Group shocked as Labour Mayor John Biggs waves through devastating Public Health Cuts


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