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Cllr Miah (righ) talking to a resident as evacuated families wait on the pavement.

Island fire: Cllr Miah demands action

A FIRE BROKE OUT late on Sunday night in a flat in a block on Cassilis Road – in the Canary Wharf Ward on the Isle of Dogs. Ward Councillor Maium Miah (Independent) was immediately on the scene.

Cllr Miah inspects isrepair in the block with one of the residents.

Cllr Miah inspects disrepair in the block with one of the residents.

Cllr Miah immediately paid tribute to the emergency services, in particular the firefighters who were working hard to ensure the fire was put out and all residents were safe.

Residents told Cllr Miah that there are no fire alarms in their block, which is managed by Genesis Housing, and they had been worried about safety for some time.

Cllr Miah had already been in touch with landlords who have property in his ward, asking questions about fire safety. He told East London News, “Genesis Housing needs to look into this block’s building standards and fire safety procedures at once. Residents cannot tolerate any more delays – and nor can I.”

Cllr Miah talks to a firefighter outside the block.

Cllr Miah talks to a firefighter outside the block.

Cllr Miah immediately emailed senior management at Genesis asking questions about fire safety and about the condition of the internal corridors and stairwells.

In the early hours of the morning he received a reply from Genesis stating that they were aware of the incident and were investigating and would keep him informed.

We understand that firefighters managed to put the fire out and there were no injuries – though residents were disturbed and shaken by the incident.

•Read more about it:
Cllr Maium Miah: “tower blocks – we need answers”
Inde Concillors call on MPs to act on fire safety


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