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Cllr Maium Miah

Island Inde Maium Miah backs anti-acid action

ISLE OF DOGS Independent Group Councillor Maium Miah has spoken out in support of the Council taking action to curb acid attacks. The Canary Wharf ward councillor was speaking out after two attacks in his own ward.

Cllr Maium Miah said, “There were two separate acid attacks in my ward on the Isle of Dogs on Wednesday evening 27th December – and Islanders are rightly very concerned and worried.”

Cllr Miah supported the call for a voluntary register which was made by Cllr Ohid Ahmed, former Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Community Safety. Cllr Ahmed asked the Council to set up a voluntary register so that retailers could record sales of corrosive substances.

Cllr Miah said the Independent Group had spent months trying to get John “Bungle” Biggs’s Administration to take some action on the issue of acid attacks. “We have been campaigning on this serious issue since summer 2017 to get some action and attention,” he said. “One should only be allowed to purchase these dangerous substances with a licence or using a verifiable professional or trade identification. The person purchasing should go through checks beforehand. Many attacks could have been stopped if there were controls that made these substances harder to buy.”

It’s not the end of the campaign for Cllr Miah, who promised not to give up on working for his constituents. “Residents have been raising this issue with me along with their serious concerns about the general crime and anti-social behaviour situation,” he said, “and I will continue to make representations on their behalf with a view to getting these up on the agenda and addressed.”

•Read more about it:
Ohid Ahmed calls for action on acid attacks
Cllr Maium Miah “tower blocks – we need answers”


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