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Island Network volunteers delivering food on the Samuda estate (left) and the Kingsbridge estate (right)

Island Network spreads Christmas cheer

VOLUNTEERS ORGANISED BY the Island Network have been helping elderly residents prepare for the festive break by distributing Christmas hampers on the Barkantine, St John’s, Samuda and Kingsbridge estates.

Island Network Chair Maium Miah Talukdar explained, “After what has been an incredibly difficult year, we wanted to bring some festive fun to our elderly residents. We are incredibly proud of our Island Network volunteers who partnered with One Housing to distribute Christmas hampers to residents in need on their estates.”

On behalf of the Network, Maium thanked One Housing for sponsoring the hampers – and to TRAs on three of the four estates which helped identify those in need. The latest distribution brings the total number of food packs distributed on the Island to over 15,000.

The Island Network will also be offering free meals to children and families in need. These will be distributed from the Quarterdeck Shopping Parade, E14 8SJ, from 2-4pm on Thursday, 24th December.

For more information about the Island Network’s food assistance programme – including making a donation and volunteering to help – contact Maium Miah Talukdar:
07983-798 791

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