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Isle of Dogs hammer attack man gets ten years

A man who attacked his wife with a hammer while she slept and who was convicted of attempted murder in January returned to Court last week. He was sentenced to ten years in jail.

The would-be murderer is Vladislav Ravinsky, 44, or Forge Square, E14. At 6.30am on 17th July last year he attacked his wife with a hammer as she was sleeping in their sitting room. He managed to land a number of blow on her body and head as she struggled to get away. She managed to get out of the flat, but he dragged her back in and continued his attacks.

Fortunately she managed to escape again. The Court heard, at the original trial, from a witness who described hearing screams and then seeing the victim running away from the flat. The witness called the emergency services. When police arrive, they found Ravinsky still in the flat. There were bloodstains in several places, and a hammer in the sitting room. They immediately arrested Ravinsky on suspicion of Grievous Bodily Harm.

The woman who survived this brutal assault was found to have a number of cuts and bruises on her body. She also had a fractured skull, which is still affecting her day to day living. She is no longer married to Ravinsky.

Detective Sergeant Tomasz Patzer from the Central East Safeguarding Investigations Team said, “This was a shocking example of domestic violence… Ravinskiy entered a not guilty plea, but the jury at Southwark Crown Court found him guilty of attempted murder. In the sentencing hearing, His Honour Judge Hehir describing the circumstances of the offence as, ‘both shocking and tragic’.”

DS Patzer went on to stress that the Metropolitan Police are determined to tackle domestic violence and urged anyone who was suffering from domestic violence to contact the police or other bodies which help survivors of this kind of abuse.

The following routes to help are available to victims of domestic violence:
In an emergency, call 999
Call police on 101
Go to your local police station (which can provide a translator if necessary)
The Women’s Aid Domestic Violence Helpline is free and operates 24 hours a day:
0808-2000 247
National Centre for Domestic Violence:
0800-970 2070
Victim Support:
0808-168 9111

•For more information, go to:
Police Advice

Read more about it:
Homerton man jailed for hammer attack
Man charged with murder in Chingford

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