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Join the debate on organ donation

THE EAST LONDON MOSQUE is working with the Islam Channel to debate the issue of organ donation – because the UK Government is considering introducing legislation to change the way that donation is allowed in the UK.

At present, individuals who wish to donate their organs after their deaths will “opt in”: that is, they will carry an organ donor card and they will discuss their wishes with their relatives.

The Government is considering changing the system to one in which doctors may take organs from anyone has died – unless there is evidence that the deceased person does not wish to donate their organs. This evidence may be in the form of the person carrying an “opt out” card, registering their wishes with local hospitals or discussing their wishes with their relatives.

The proposal to change the system is currently under public consultation. The issue of donating organs can be particularly sensitive for faith groups as some religions lay down particular rules about donation.

As part of the public consultation, the Department of Health & Social Care is endorsing a public debate in East London, concentrating on the Muslim community. The event will be held this Thursday, 22nd February, at the London Muslim Centre, starting at 5pm. Tickets are free, but must be booked beforehand.

To book your ticket, go to:
Debate Tickets

To take part in the government consultation, go to:
Government consultation

•Read more about it:
Visitors flock to East London Mosque
Newark Youth raise funds through fun


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