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Labour’s women present the sister act

TOWER HAMLETS Labour Women are working hard to ensure that the General Election is not just a battle between senior politicians. It’s an event which will affect women’s lives for at least the next five years – and nowhere more so than in East London’s Tower Hamlets.

The borough’s Labour Women’s Forum had started a Facebook page just before Theresa May announced her “cut and run” election – and the sisters have quickly turned it into a forum where the policies that shape women’s lives can be highlighted.

Pride of place, this week, goes to the outgoing Tory Government’s education cuts. Labour believes in funding education according to need – and under the last Labour Government Tower Hamlets, an area with great need, received good levels of fund and, therefore, achieved good results. The Tories were planning to “equalise” funding – taking money away from areas of great need (such as Tower Hamlets) and allocating it back out again to wealthier parts of the country.

Tower Hamlets Labour Women’s forum sees education as a priority policy which makes a real difference to women’s lives. Their Facebook page is advertising a meeting at George Green’s School on 3rd May where voters can find out exactly what the cuts would mean for Tower Hamlets. There will be horrifying news about staff losses pending and some schools even worrying that they might have to close down.

When there’s not enough funding to go round, it’s often the girls who are pushed to the back of the queue. We can’t allow this to happen in Tower Hamlets, where female pupils have had such a good track record and are part of the Borough’s success story. The Labour Women’s Forum is determined not to see the Tories turn the clock back in Tower Hamlets.


The Labour Women’s Forum is also working to remind everyone to make sure they are on the electoral register. The closing date for applications is 22nd May, but you are advised to sort this out beforehand – not least because the online system crashed on the day before the deadline for the last General Election. If you go to the Labour Women’s Forum Facebook page, you can share the post and help spread the word to other sisters in Tower Hamlets – and beyond.

The Facebook page allows you to find out about other Labour policies of special interest to women – often with links or videos that you can share with your own Facebook Friends. Sisters: as the Labour Poster says, there’s so many reasons to vote Labour. Think of your children, like the page and share the posts. We can’t rely on the politicians and professional parties to get it right – we have to make sure Tower Hamlets Sisters are doing it for ourselves!

To keep in touch with Tower Hamlets Labour Women’s Forum, go to their Facebook page where you can like the page and share the posts:


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