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Local Group marks Nakba Week

TWO TOWER HAMLETS groups which campaign in support of the Palestians are holding a special event to mark Nakba Week. The Tower Hamlets branch of the national Palestine Solidarity Campaign and the Tower Hamlets & Jenin Friendship Association will be meeting up at the Brady Centre at 7.15 on Monday, 15th May.

The groups will be showing the film Firefighters Under Occupation, a film made in Palestine with support from the UK Fre Brigades Union. The FBU has been facilitating the training of Palestinian firefighters since 2009 and collaborated in making the film in 2015. The film is approximately an hour long and it will be followed by a discussion led by London FBU Organiser Lucy Masoud. There will also be an eye witness report from the Bethleham Marathon.

There will be Palestinian produce on sale at the main event – and at the PSC stall at Roman Road Market on Saturday, 13th May (9am-5pm), alongside their usual informative leaflets. PSC would be happy to sell you the produce and to have a chat about campaigning for Palestine – or to welcome you to take a turn helping out on the stall.

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The next TH PSC organising meeting will be on Thursday, 4th May, 7-8.30pm, on the first floor of the Whitechapel Ideas Store. For more information about local campaigning for Palestine, email:


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