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Look out for two men preying on woman in E6

TWO MEN have been preying on a woman in the area of Eastbourne Road, E6 – in what appears to be a joint operation. It is not clear whether their motives are to attack the woman or to rob her – or both.

Police are now appealing for anyone who witnessed three incidents in recent weeks – or who suffered a similar attack in the same area and has not yet come forward – to contact police so the men can be identified and found.

First incident
Saturday, 3rd March, 8-8.30pm
A 26 year old woman was approached by a male (“Suspect 1”) as she walked along Eastbourne Rod, E6. He grabbed her by the arm, then made off, heading towards Brighton Road.

Second incident
Saturday, 10th March, 3.30am
The woman was approached by the same man. He grabbed her around the throat and pushed her.

Third incident
Wednesday, 14th March, 10pm
A second man (“Suspect 2”) approached the woman and grabbed her by the hair. He attempted to force her into a motor vehicle – thought to be a Volkswagen Polo or Golf. She saw “suspect 1” sitting in the car.

“Suspect 1” is described as an Asian man, approximately 30 years old, 5ft 9ins tall, of stocky build and with a short beard. He was wearing a black hooded top.

“Suspect 2” is described as an Asian man, in his late 20s, 5ft 6ins tall, of large build and with black hair. He was wearing a bomber jacket and had glasses.

Detective Constable Isha Javed from Newham CID explained, “We do not know why these men have targeted the victim, but clearly his behaviour is of concern. I would like to hear from anyone who was in the area of Eastbourne Road at the time of these offences and who may have information to assist our investigation.”

Anyone who was in the area, who witnessed the attacks or who has any information about them is asked to call police on 020-8217 5820. Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111, where you can give information anonymously.

•Read more about it:
One guilty, three walk free in Romford stabbing
Con-woman avoids jail after £10k take from trusting man


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