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March Voice out now

The March issue of The Voice, newsletter of the East London Garden Society (ELGS), is out now. It covers the usual range of fascinating articles about gardening for food and fun – with recipes, horticultural tips and bits of general knowledge.

ELGS is also a campaigning organisation and at the moment it’s keeping a particular eye on the development at the Bishopsgate Goods Yard, raising concerns that too much is being squeezed into a small space – squeezing out, in turn, the original purpose of some of the gardening.

In news of coming events, ELGS tells us that Spring into Action is holding another of its popular permaculture design courses: see for more information. There will be a Spring Market at the Memorial Community Church in Plaistow on 25th April which will feature stalls selling local crafts and produce. If you would like to run one, contact Philippa King on 07718-065 187 (there is a £10 charge). Closer to home, there will be a Big Dig on the Cranbrook Estate Community Food Garden (off Roman Road) from 11am to 3pm on 21st March. Phone 07939-978 778 for more information.

There’s a major (and encouraging) feature on growing your own ginger as well as one on the very interesting Moringa tree and a reminder of the principles of gardening organically.

Finally, please note that you should be chitting your seed potatoes by now. If in doubt, pick up some tips on YouTube: search for video r5fiQVaZc2E or just for “chitting potatoes” to enjoy a wide range of potato cultivation material.

For more information, go to, email or tel. 020-7473 9685.

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