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Marcus Moore

Newham police are appealing for help from the public to find the whereabouts of Marcus Everald Moore, aged 31 (date of birth 24/12/1983). Moore is wanted on recall to prison for breach of a non-molestation order and making threats to kill on 16th July. He is believed to have links to Deptford, Lewisham, Haringey and Walthamstow.

He is described as a black man, approximately 5ft 5” tall, of slim build with short black afro hair and possibly a black goatee beard. He also has several tattoos – the word “Genesis” on his left arm and “Revelations” on his right arm, a Celtic angel symbol between his shoulder blades and a jaguar on his chest.

Anyone who can assist police in locating Marcus Everald Moore should contact Newham Wanted Offender Management Unit on 101 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 quoting reference number 5215478/14. Police advise members of the public not to approach Marcus Moore, but contact police immediately if they know of his whereabouts.

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