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Councillor Mizanur Chaudhury was appointed Tower Hamlets’ new chair of council at the borough’s annual council meeting last night...

Mizanur Choudhury is new Council Chair

Councillor Mizanur Chaudhury was appointed Tower Hamlets’ new chair of council at the borough’s annual council meeting last night (Wednesday 18 May).
Cllr Chaudhury will be in post for the 2011/2012 municipal year, following a ceremony held at the Town Hall yesterday. The new chairs of the council’s various committees were also appointed, along with a new Olympics Ambassador. The appointments are as follows:
Chair of Council – Councillor Mizanur ChaudhuryDeputy Chair of Council – Councillor Rajib AhmedOlympics Ambassador – Councillor Anna LynchCommittee chairs:Appeals Committee: Cllr Bill TurnerAudit Committee: Cllr Carlo GibbsDevelopment/Strategic Development Committee: Cllr Helal AbbasGeneral Purposes Committee: Cllr Shiria KhatunHuman Resources Committee: Cllr Mohammed Abdul Mukit, MBELicensing Committee: Cllr Carli Harper-PenmanOverview & Scrutiny Committee: Cllr Ann JacksonPensions Committee: Cllr Anwar KhanThe Mayor also confirmed there is no change to the membership of his Cabinet or the allocation of portfolios.

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