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Cllr Oliur Rahman, who is in charge of Employment and Enterprise, was delighted at the news.

More people in Tower Hamlets are working than ever before

Tower Hamlets’ employment rate is the highest it’s been for the borough since recording began in 2004. The figures, provided quarterly from the Annual Population Survey, show that 68.1% of the borough’s population are currently in employment – a 4.2% increase since December 2013. Tower Hamlets is now fast catching up with the London average for employment – only 3.7% behind, compared to a figure of 6.7% last financial year.

These plain figures, of course, only tell a part of the story.  They are not broken down to show how many people are in full time work and how much of the increase can be attributed to people only being able to find part-time work. Those in work may also not be much better off: wages have been cut across most of the public sector and are stagnant in the private sector; cuts in benefits have brought down household incomes; and prices for food, fuel and travel have all increased.

Nonetheless, the employment figures are good news, which was warmly recognised by Tower Hamlets Council – whose officers have been working hard to tackle unemployment in the borough through a number of ways. Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, said: “These latest employment statistics are recognition that our hard work is really paying off. We have helped a large number of residents into employment through services like Skillsmatch and Working Start, and we need to keep up the momentum to ensure our employment figures continue to go up quarter on quarter.”

Shainul Islam, 22 is one such individual the council supported into work. After graduating from university, she came to Skillsmatch looking for help and guidance to find employment. Speaking about the service she received, Shainul said: “During the initial meeting with my job broker, my CV was updated, and I was also supported with completing application forms. I received continued support and motivation throughout my job search. The whole process was instrumental in me securing employment with Circle 33 Housing. I would like to give thanks to my brokerage officer in giving support and guidance. I would also like to give thanks to Skillsmatch in providing this opportunity.”

Deputy Mayor, Cllr Oliur Rahman, who is also Cabinet Member for Employment and Enterprise, added: “It’s wonderful to see the hard work going on in the council reflected by these figures. We’ll continue to support and advise people who need help to access all the new jobs being created and help them get on a career path that best suits them.”

Back in September 2014, Tower Hamlets was recognised for its innovative work around employment when it won the London Council Apprenticeship Award 2014 for its exemplary work with employers to create new internships and opportunities.

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