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Mosque open day to increase awareness

THE EAST LONDON Mosque will be holding open days on Saturday, 29th, and Sunday, 30th, July – between 11am and 5pm each day. Visitors will be able to see an exhibition hosted jointly with the Islam Awareness Project (IAP).

There will also be tours of the Mosque and the London Muslim Centre and visitors will be able to watch a prayer session. The IAP will be holding a question and answer session and free literature will be available to explain basic principles of Islam.

The organisers hope that the gesture will help dispel some of the myths which exist about Islam in the local community as well as sharing knowledge about one of the world’s major religions.

Admission is free. Families are welcome and refreshments will be available.

ELM iap july 2017-01

•Read more about it:
Mosque to hold Islam awareness course
Enfield Mosque Open Days build community bridges


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