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Mosque to hold Islam Awareness course

The East London Mosque will be running a course on Islam next month, in the hope of providing a greater understanding of the religion – something which non-Muslims can find hard to achieve in a rushed and busy life.

The Mosque points out that the visible signs of faith which many Muslims wear can lead to a uniformity of appearance which encourages non-Muslims to perpetuate sterotypes of those following this religion. Although Muslims are visible, non-Muslims can be discouraged from approaching their neighbours to ask questions about the religion and come to understand it more.

The Mosque’s one day course covers the principles of religious belief and how it is practised as well as the role of the Mosque and Imams in local Muslim society. It will then go on to look at the history of Muslims in Britain and contemporary issues. The sessions will include plenty of time for questions and answers.

The awareness course is the East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre’s contribution to Interfaith Week and, as such, is free of charge. It takes place on Thursday, 24th August, from 9.30am to 4.30pm and is also accredited for CPD purposes. For more information, email or go to:
Islam Awareness Course

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