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Campaigners in Watney Market

Mums step up nursery campaign

TOWER HAMLETS Mums and Save Our Nurseries campaigners were out in force across the borough again this weekend – and again found that the public were alarmed to hear that the Council is prioritising closure of its day care nurseries.

Handing out stickers in Barlett Park

Handing out stickers in Barlett Park

Bartlett Park, Poplar
Campaigners included members of the Women’s Equality Party as they talked to parents who had brought their children out for the day. Parents were keen to support the Council day care service – as nursery classes and schools mainly offer care only for the school day during term time, which doesn’t help working parents.

Isle of Dogs
A team of Labour Party campaigners spoke to women at the Food Growing Network event on the Barkantine estate and to parents at the E14 Fun Day in Sir John McDougal Gardens. Parents on the Island were worried about childcare options declining as ever more new homes were being built in the area. They spoke about a local private nursery which had recently closed and also about a “stay and play” facility in Millwall Park which had recently reduced its services – down from opening five days a week to just two days, and cutting back on the number of places available.

"My mum and dad went to Watney Market and all they got me was this T-shirt."

“My mum and dad went to Watney Market and all they got me was this T-shirt.”

Watney Market
Campaigners joined local councillor Rabina Khan to collect signatures from shoppers who were disgusted to hear that the Executive Mayor John Biggs had decided to close down the nurseries. Residents wished campaigners well – in what is the third campaign in four years to keep this valuable resource up and running.

A spokesperson for the Save Our Nurseries campaign said, “In the parks we could see small children enjoying bouncy castles and soft play areas – getting fresh air, exercise and interacting with other children. But children are not just for Christmas – or the summer holidays. They need to develop all year round, and having good nurseries in Tower Hamlets is a vital part of investing in our citizens of the future. It was heartening to see support for the Save our Nurseries campaign coming from three of the political parties in the borough, as well as from activists and members of the public who are not members of any political party.”

To sign the Save Our Nurseries petition, go to:

To read the Save Our Nurseries guide to filling in the Council consultation (which includes a link to the consultation), go to:
Briefing and Consultation

•Read more about it:
“Mum’s the word!” as Council silences nursery protest
Nursery campaigners surprise Biggs at suffragette event

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