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Newark Youth London celebrate success

NEWARK YOUTH are celebrating their involvement in an unusual education programme which aims to help youngsters improve their educational achievement and aspirations in order to improve the chances of finding employment.

newark 2The programme is “sporteducate”, which uses sport to engage youngsters in educational activities outside the classroom. A unique feature of this programme is that rather than invent a portfolio of activities and then recruit pupils to them, this programme helps community sports clubs to design their own educational activities – ones which their own experienced staff know will be right for the youngsters who join in their sports activities.

Activities which have been held include supplementary education classes and mentoring – of young people and also of those Sports Club staff delivering the activities.

Sported and Deutsche Bank have now published the end of programme results of “sporteducate”. The programme has helped 2,000 disadvantaged young Londoners since it began in May 2013 in the following way:
more young people enjoy learning (increasing from 61 to 81%);
more young people are performing at a “good” or “excellent” level at school (increasing from 70 to 87%);
57% of young people report improved behaviour at school;
more young people think a future career is important (increasing from 78 to 94%).

Emrul Islam, Chair of Newark Youth London, said, “We have always believed in the power of sport and been using football to change the lives of young people since 1984.  We combined football with academic studying to achieve tremendous success.  The Sporteducate results prove this and we hope Deutsche Bank support similar programmes in the future.”

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