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News from TH-KONP

Keep Our NHS Public (KONP) is a campaigning group, working to preserve a public NHS run for people not profit, patients not shareholders. And it’s going to be very busy on Saturday, 28th February, which is a national Day of Action to fight for our NHS in the run up to the election

TH-KONP will be running a stall at Whitechapel (between the Tube station and the Library) and leafleting the public between 1 and 2pm on Saturday. If you are nearby, do stop for a chat: the detail of what is happening in our area is truly shocking. If you can’t get to the stall, you can pop along to the next monthly meeting: Wednesday, 4th March, 5.30-6.30pm, in the Ideas Store Café.

For more information about health campaigning in East London, contact the following.

Tower Hamlets KONP
(where you can join the mailing list)
Twitter: @THKONP

Save Our Surgeries
Facebook:/saveoursurgerieseastlondon Twitter:@SaveGPSurgeries

Barts PFI Campaign

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