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Noxious substance attack in Bethnal Green

ROMAN ROAD was the latest location of an attack on members of the public in which a liquid was used as a weapon. Police are appealing for witnesses.

Police officers were alerted to the incident when they were flagged down in the area just after the incident occurred. The two victims reported that a liquid had been thrown at them. The liquid has not yet been identified.

The victims were two young men, both thought to be in their late teens. The victims obtained water from nearby shops, which they used to wash the substance off their faces and bodies and dampen down the burning sensation. The fire brigade were quickly on site and provided more supplies of water to douse the victims.

The London Ambulance Service arrived at the scene shortly afterwards and both victims were taken to an East London Hospital where they have received treatment for injuries which are reported to be non-life threatening.

Anyone who witnessed the incident or was in the area or has any information about the incident should telephone the police on 101.  Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers on 0800-555 111, where you can give information anonymously.

STORY UPDATERoman Rd “acid attack”: man charged

•Read more about it:
Police appeal for witnesses to Whitechapel stabbing
Acid attack update


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