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Occupy Mile End

Emdad Rahman: The last month or so has seen 20 occupiers setting up camp inMileEndPark. The camp is situated near the Mile End road junction onBurdett Road. Some 20 Occupiers have pitched their tents and are making a stand against global capitalism. The council has served a notice to quit and will use legal proceedings to enforce it. A court hearing is scheduled for 9th May.

A previous High Court order led to the protesters being evicted fromSt Paul’s Cathedral, where a non-violent protest and demonstration against economic inequality took place.

*Our local reporter adds: Residents near the Occupy camp in Mile End found the new residents caused little trouble.  Unfortunately relations between Occupiers and locals soured when Occupiers went foraging for fuel to replenish their camp fire.  They took some planks which had been left in place for volunteers to use the next day to build a shed as a local community resource.


  1. I am sorry but I would really prefer no to have them at Mile End Park. It’s my local park. Perhaps if they could get a flat to share between them would help…..Regards

  2. Some of us have homes and some are of no fixed address.

    One of our actions is to highlight the homeless situation in London. Sharing a flat would make it a tad less public.

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