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Home / Entertainment / Over 100,000 fans visit MCM London Comic Con’s event

Over 100,000 fans visit MCM London Comic Con’s event

Emdad Rahman

The weekend saw record crowds flock to MCM London Comic Con, with 122,634 visitors passing through the doors of Britain’s biggest modern pop culture show. After eclipsing 110k back in October 2014, the event has made a further leap – comfortably breaking the 120k barrier.

A Predator Cosplay group.  Photo: Paper Cube.

A Predator Cosplay group. Photo: Paper Cube.

Running over a full three days for the first time, the Excel London event featured everything from movies, videogames and comic books to anime, manga and cosplay – not to mention an amazing line-up of special guests from the world of film and TV.

“We’d like to thank everyone who attended for making this MCM London Comic Con our best ever,” said show co-organiser Bryan Cooney. “We hope that you’ll all be able to come back in October for a second – possibly even bigger – instalment in 2015. Tell your friends!”

Gillian Anderson

Gillian Anderson

Among the stars meeting fans at the latest London Comic Con were geek goddess Felicia Day (The Guild, Supernatural); Gillian Anderson, taking part in a panel for inde sci-fi film Robot Overlords; Iain de Caestecker and Nick Blood from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.; John Noble (Lord Of The Rings, Fringe, Sleepy Hollow) and Doctor Who’s Sylvester McCoy.



Raffey Cassidy

Raffey Cassidy. Photo: Sarah Tsang.

Show goers also got to attend Q&A panels featuring Raffey Cassidy from Disney sci-fi adventure Tomorrowland: A World Beyond, new BBC series Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, ITV drama Jekyll and Hyde, brand new Brit superhero flick SuperBob and YouTube favourites The Yogscast.

Joining them were stars from such shows as hit CW superhero drama Arrow, NCIS, The Walking Dead, Once Upon A Time, Orphan Black, Falling Skies, Storage Hunters and Scorpion, plus top voice actors including Hynden Walch, Mark Meer and Gideon Emery and our Anime Guest of Honour, mecha illustrator Hidetaka Tenjin.

The next MCM London Comic Con will be held from 23rd-25th October. Keep an eye on for more details.


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