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Play 4 Rohingya set for bus drivers football festival

Emdad Rahman

PLAY 4 ROHINGYA has organised a groundbreaking football tournament for bus drivers for a worthy charitable cause. Newham Leisure Centre will host the 7-a-side football day on Sunday, 4th March from 12-5pm.

The Play 4 Rohingya team is a group of mainly East London residents who have come together to highlight the grave humanitarian issues suffered by the persecuted Rohingya people of Myanmar.

The team focus on keeping the plight of the stricken Rohingya in the limelight through playing and organising football related activities. The latest drive sees the team building a medical wellbeing centre in partnership with UK charity Human Aid.

Abdul Husain from Play 4 Rohingya, who drives the 106 route, said, “Basically a group of us friends came together to help support the Rohingya aid effort last year. We used football as an instrument for good and a tournament we arranged was so successful that we have committed to raising £50,000 for a wellbeing medical centre.

“I’m confident this tournament will be a huge success because our community is unbeatable when it comes to championing needy causes.”

Refreshments will be provided for all participants. Finalists will receive trophies along with an award for the man of the tournament. Entry is £70 for each ten-man squad.

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For more information contact:
Hussain: 07930-572 330
Sammy: 07983-334 087

•Read more about it:
Car wash raises awareness of Rohingya plight
Play for Rohingya raises thousands


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