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Watch out for BMX fun this half term!

Plenty to do over half term and Black History Month

Half term week needn’t be a drag this year: not only has the Council set up a series of half term activities, there’s also Black History Month events to take part in.


Half term fun

Sporty young people can take advantage of BMX bike sessions at the BMX Track in Mile End Park from 27th-31st October. There will be four sessions held each day for different age groups, including a girl’s only session for girls aged eleven and over, hosted by the council and Tower Hamlets BMX Club. The one hour sessions are aimed at children aged 5-16. Bikes and safety equipment will be provided. All riders must be confident cyclists. To book a place email or call 020-7364 2433.

Over at the Idea Stores, regular clubs during October will have a Black History Month theme. Young people can take advantage of reading clubs (Boys’ Book Club on Mondays at 4pm, Girls’ Book Club on Tuesdays at 4pm and Teenage Book Club for the over 12s on Thursdays at 4pm), Computer Club for under 16s on Wednesdays at 4pm and Art Club every Sunday at 2.15pm for 6-12 year olds.

Join Festa do Tambor (Party of Drums) on 25th October at the Brady Arts Centre in Hanbury Street from 12noon. Festa do Tambor is is a celebration of Afro Brazilian culture through music and dance.

Teenagers can learn to rustle up a three course meal from scratch at the Feed Your Talent workshops running on Thursdays from 4-6pm at the Brady Arts Centre. October will be dedicated to Caribbean and Brazilian cuisine. Participants can stay on to take part in House of Talent – a series of youth art workshops after the cookery class.

There will be special fun day on Wednesday 29 October at Victoria Park, in recognition of the park being voted the nation’s favourite park in the People’s Choice Award 2014. The fun day will include entertainment for the whole family to enjoy from 11am-3pm. A plaque will also be unveiled to mark the prestigious win.


Black History Month Highlights this October

Saturday, 25th – African Masks and Masquerades at Idea Store Watney Market from 11am-5pm
Sun, Oct 26th – Maya Angelou & the Cruel Truth – drama playing tribute to the warrior for equality, tolerance and peace. Pinter Studio at Queen Mary University at 3pm
Tues, Oct 28th – Where I Belong: Presentation – young people will be encouraged to capture autobiographies of their older relatives at Tower Hamlets Local History Library from 1pm-2pm
Wednesday, 29th – Mosaic Art at Idea Store Whitechapel from 1pm-3.30pm

For more information visit

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