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Poetic Mahdi dreams big

Emdad Rahman

NINE YEAR OLD Mahdi Ahmed is daring to dream big after his debut poem The Wizard of Destiny was selected for publication after being entered into a Young Writers competition. The youngster from Stepney, who attends Halley School, will now see his prose published in a book titled Once Upon a Dream in June this year.

Mahdi Ahmed is the eldest son of Mr and Ms M Masud Ahmed. His father is someone who is actively involved in local politics, and Mahdi would like to emulate him when he’s older. Mahdi said, “I enjoy writing a lot and I’m proud that my work has been printed. I didn’t expect that. I hope people enjoy reading it.”

Young Writers aims to encourage young people to engage in creative writing and the project has been working with schools, parents and young writers since 1991 by doing the following:
running national poetry and creative writing competitions through schools;
providing free resources to teachers to aid them in teaching young writers;
providing poetry and creative workshops for young writers;
awarding prizes to both schools and pupils across the UK.

For more information about Young Writers, go to:


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