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Poplar footballers celebrate Will Crooks

Emdad Rahman

THE WILL CROOKS ESTATE was the venue for a community football tournament held to celebrate unity as well as the life of Will Crooks. 

William Crooks was a noted trade unionist and politician from Poplar and a member of the Fabian Society. He is particularly remembered for his campaigning work against poverty and inequality.

David Viner, Will Crooks’s great grandson came to the Workhouse Leisure Centre to present the Will Crooks Shield to the winning team, Future Stars 1.

Speaking after the popular event, Sister Christine Frost from Neighbours In Poplar commented, “We had a great day with David, who thoroughly enjoyed the football and the fun day, in spite of the blazing sun. David presented us with the Shield, and he hopes to return next year to present it to a Workhouse team!”

Neighbours In Poplar, founded in 1969, is a registered charity providing practical support to older, frail and/or isolated people of all cultures and faiths living in Poplar and the Isle of Dogs. Neighbours In Poplar was contracted by the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to deliver the LinkAge Plus programme in LAPS 7 & 8.

•Read more about it:
Neighbours in Poplar raise money for the needy
Neighbours in Poplar offers fun and calls for volunteers

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