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Run for Ability Bow at Victoria Park

Emdad Rahman

THE BIG FUN RUN (BFR) returns to Victoria Park later this month and a local gym for disabled people is appealing for readers to take part and raise money for this underfunded and much needed resource. 

The team at the gym, Ability Bow, are also looking for people to volunteer their time to help on the day. For every volunteer the gym has lining the route on the day, the Big Fun Run will give Ability Bow £25. Every pound raised will help to support disabled local people.

It costs Ability Bow £60 to deliver a one to one session and vulnerable service users are only charged £4.50. Fundraising makes up the difference – and the Big Run can play a big part in collecting necessary cash.

There is a small charge for taking part in the Big Fun Run, but Ability Bow has free places for the first ten to sign up. Runners will receive an Ability Bow T-shirt, a BFR goody bag, medal and refreshments. There is no set amount, but to qualify for the free place Ability Bow asks you to commit to trying to raise £100.

The Big Fun Runs are a series of 5k untimed runs staged within scenic settings throughout the UK from July to October. The events are strictly for fun, and it’s all about relaxed exercise. There are no times, no pressure, no sweat – just some easy moves and lots of laughs. The runs are suitable for all the family. Runners can set themselves personal goals – whether you are raising money for a worthwhile cause close to your heart, remembering a loved one or simply keeping active.


For more information about Ability Bow, go to:

For more information about the Run, call 020-8980 7778.

To take part, sign up here and choose Ability Bow from the top of the list:

•Read more about it:
Team Ability Bow compete at Parallel London
Wheelchair to Walking: Grace’s story


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