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School kids get active and eat well

Schools kids across Tower Hamlets are set to take part in pupil led healthy living projects which encourage more physical activity and healthier eating.

Thanks to funding from the Tower Hamlets Healthy Borough programme, 28 primary and secondary schools have been awarded grants. Tahmina Begum and Jahangir Alom, two of Tower Hamlets Young Mayors, helped to launch one of the borough’s projects at Smithy Street Primary School on Friday (26 November 2010).

The projects will be managed and run by the youngsters themselves and include fresh fruit tuck shops, school, community gardening clubs, family cooking clubs, walking activities, street dance, gymnastic sessions, outdoor table tennis equipment and an animal husbandry course. Francoise Moore, the school healthy lives adviser for Tower Hamlets Council said: “What’s really special about the projects are that the children and young people have developed the ideas and they’ll be promoting and influencing their peers towards healthier lifestyles.”

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