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Sexual abuse support for young women and girls

Young women and girls in Tower Hamlets who have experienced sexual violence can now seek support from a new advocate based in the borough. The Nia Project has received funding from the Home Office as part of the Government’s Ending Gang and Youth Violence programme to provide support for young women in Tower Hamlets and neighbouring Newham. The charity works closely with Tower Hamlets Council and its partners as part of the community safety team’s Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) strategy.

Nia offers practical and emotional support and advocacy for young women and girls aged 11-18, who have experienced, or are at risk of experiencing, sexual violence.

This may include – but is not limited to – sexual exploitation, rape, sexual bullying and pressuring, or “gang” sexual involvement.

Mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman said: “We are pleased to work alongside organisations such as this to help provide invaluable support to young people in the borough. The community must continue to work together to support all victims of crime.”

Any sexual crime should be reported by calling 999 in an emergency or on 101 in a non-emergency situation. Alternatively, victims can contact the council’s victim support line on 020-8555 8254 or report it to a Third Party Reporting Centre:

Young woman aged 11-18 who have experienced or feel at risk of experiencing sexual abuse and violence can contact the East London Rape Crisis helpline on 020-7683 1210 for emotional and practical support.

For more information about Nia, go to:

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