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Spread some winter warmth

THE WORLD seems to be full of random refugees. They fled persecution, they suffered a natural disaster, they were attacked in a confict not of their making… There’s many reasons why people have found themselves labelled as “refugee”.

There is, though, one thing at least that refugees have in common: the need to try to stay warm in winter. This may come after the driving need to find water and food in an area that has now functioning economy, but warmth in winter is still a basic human need.

For nine years the charity Human Relief Foundation (HRF) has run a “winter warmth” campaign which seeks to help settled people show some warmth towards their fellow human beings who are living as refugees in the winter cold. HRF helps refugees in countries such as Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

As well as distributing warm clothing, HRF provides winter food packs and fuel. Last year’s HRF winter warmth camaign helped, they estimate, around 120,000 people. Can we make it even more this year?

●For more information about the appeal and to donate:
HRF Winter Warmth campaign

●Watch this video about the Winter Warmth campaign:
HRF Winter Warmth video

Read more about it:
More stories about the Human Relief Foundation

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