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St Matthias & Poplar Masjid host community lunch

Emdad Rahman

THE ST MATTHIAS Community Centre in Poplar hosted a community lunch to bring a whole host of members of the community together to interact and share experiences. 

The joint event with Poplar Hale Street Masjid saw members of the congregation at the neighbouring place of worship cook lunch for the visitors. Both the centre and Masjid also arranged an open day tour with local organisations which had supported the Masjid during its construction phase.

The lunch reception also included an appreciation ceremony. Present were the CEO & Principal from Tower Hamlets College, the local SPLASH team, Tower Hamlets Green Team, representatives from churches around Poplar, the Council of Mosques, Our Lady & St Joseph school and other local organisations.

Sister Christine Frost from St Matthias said, “We are a close knit community and have enjoyed these get togethers in this locality for generations. It’s what makes Poplar such s special place for people to live, work in and call home.”

•Read more about it:
Neighbours in Poplar visit French refugee camp
Neighbours in Poplar raise money for the needy


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