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Stepney Green heads for the polls!

Slightly overshadowed by the mayoral election, the voters of Stepney ward will vote in a by-election on 11th June too. There are seven candidates.

Stepney was the first area in the country to elect a Respect councillor. The said Cllr Oli Rahman is still in post, and the ward has stuck by left and independent candidates ever since he was first elected. Hoping to inherit the independent left mantle is first time candidate Abu Talha Chowdhury.

Labour is standing by Sabina Akhtar, who stood in the ward during the scheduled elections last year. On that occasion, she did well to secure 20% of the vote – so she starts well behind. Winning the ward is not a priority for Labour, which will be concentrating on their stronger areas in order to pull out votes in the mayoral election.

The other mainstream parties are standing out of habit, presumably – and there is one minor candidate too.


Tower Hamlets Council has today published notice that seven candidates will be standing for councillor in the Stepney Green ward by-election which will take place on 11th June. The candidates are:
Sabina AKHTAR (Labour Party)
Safiul AZAM (The Conservative Party Candidate)
Kirsty CHESTNUTT (Green Party)
Abu Talha CHOWDHURY (Independent)
Will DYER (Liberal Democrats)
Jessie MACNEIL-BROWN (Something New)



  1. I’m standing for the Greens in Stepney Green and I believe we’ve got a very strong chance. Response on the doorstep has been overwhelmingly great and people are ready for a challenge to the current Labour \ THF grip on the Council.

  2. I’m standing for the Green Party in Stepney Green and I believe we’ve got a very strong chance. Response on the doorstep has been overwhelmingly great and people are ready for a challenge to the current Labour \ THF grip on the Council.

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