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Ismail Abbas Urrade: guilty of sexual assault

Stepney sex attacker sent to prison

A DISGRACEFUL attempt at street theft in the Mile End Road ended in Ismail Abbas Urrade, 29, of Holland Road, E6, committing a sexual assault. As a result, he was sentenced to 14 months in prison. His name will be on the Sex Offenders Register for ten years and he was also given a Sexual Harassment Prevention Order for five years.

Snaresbrook Crown Court heard that at around noon on 6th June Urrade was in Mile End Road – drunk. He approached a young woman pedestrian who was using her mobile phone and tried to talk to her before attempting to snatch the phone. The young woman ran into a nearby shop. Urrade followed her and sexually assaulted her before making his getaway.

Fortunately the young victim called the police straight away and Urrade was found nearby and arrested. Urrade refused to answer any questions the police put to him, but the police charged him with sexual assault. Urrade pleaded guilty to the charge when he appeared at Court.

Detective Constable As Gutty of Tower Hamlets CID, who led the investigation, said: “Urrade carried out his attack in broad daylight in the middle of a busy street. While he initially refused to admit his guilt, it became obvious through the weight of evidence that Urrade had committed this offence – this left him with little option than to plead guilty at court. I would like to thank the victim for supporting this investigation and I hope Urrade’s imprisonment gives her some form of closure.”

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Result! Assault suspect Sanchez found in Mile End


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