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Paul Chambers

Stratford slasher sent to jail

THIRTY YEAR OLD Paul Chambers is looking at five years behind bars after trying to win an argument by slashing his victim across the face with a carpenter’s knife. The incident took place in the Broadway in Stratford.

Chambers had begun arguing with a 38 year old acquaintance shortly after midnight, saying that his friend was being too noisy – and ended it with the knife attack. Passers by helped the victim until the emergency services arrived and took the injured man to an East London hospital.

Police arrested Chambers at the scene. He was subsequently charged with grievous bodily harm (GBH) with intent and also with possession of a bladed article in a public place. He pleased guilty to the charge of GBH and was sentenced earlier this month to five years in prison. The other charge will lie on file.

The police welcomed the sentence, given the severity of the injury, which has left the victim with a permanent scar on his face.

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