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Street Orchestra comes to London: get ready to play

Why should orchestra music be confined to the concert hall? This is the thinking behind the Street Orchestra movement – and it’s coming to London early next year.

Street Orchestra London (SOL) is modelled on the Ricciotti ensemble from Amsterdam which was founded in 1970. It will be a 40-piece scratch orchestra of players aged 18 and over. Members will spend several days rehearsing together before setting off on a tour of London’s community and public spaces, as well as some extraordinary locations.

With a set up time of less than three minutes, SOL will perform four to seven performances per day over the course of four days, with the aim of captivating as wide an audience as possible through their performances of music from all times and conceivable styles.

A SOL performance is a different experience from that of any other orchestra; based on the belief that every human has an equal right to enjoy live, quality music, it aims to break any barriers that exist between player and public – by performing up-close for communities who rarely have access to this art form, bringing orchestral music to everyone, everywhere.

sol2SOL has been established by Gijs Kramers, who was Artistic Director of the Riccotti ensemble for 10 years, and Nonclassical, a club-night and record label based in East London. SOL will be launched on 13th January 2016, during Nonclassical’s Battle of the Bands and Monthly Club Night at The Victoria, Dalston.


Applications to join the Orchestra should be made by 22nd January and auditions will be held in February with performances between 13-19th June. For more information go to:
Facebook: StreetOrchLDN



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