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Sylhet Aid supports HRF Rohingya appeal

Emdad Rahman

SYLHET AID ARE proud to announce their support for the charity Human Relief Foundation in its appeal to help the Rohingya People in Bangladesh. 

The Sylhet Aid team committed to raising funds for eleven emergency shelters at a cost of £85 each. Their team of volunteers managed to raise £1,000. A cheque was handed to HRF to provide emergency religious support for a group of people the UN described as the most persecuted people on the planet.

The first generation of the British Bangladeshi community from Sylhet are rapidly disappearing due to return migration and natural causes. In the spirit of the early immigrants, Sylhet Aid is continuing the good work of these community elders by providing support to the most needy. Their aim is to deliver aid to the poorest communities in the greater Sylhet region.

hrf 2As part of their charity mission, Sylhet Aid provides mobility equipment to help those with physical needs to enable them to lead a more active and independent life. Aid distribution takes place during the winter season. During this time many of the needy people suffer and die due to the changing climate. Although a tropical country, during winter there is a huge drop in temperature which can have a devastating effect on the poor and those sleeping rough on the streets of Sylhet.

Therefore the aim is to develop new and innovative projects to help individuals and communities become economically independent by providing them with the tools and resources to generate an income.

Sylhet Aid is a young and dynamic organization which is run entirely by volunteers who are passionate about helping the poor. The team relies on the generosity of the community to help them carry out vital aid work.

HRF has been working in Bangladesh since the currently conflict in Myanmar began and is currently feeding thousands, implementing projects for water wells, sanitation, and shelters. Khoyrul Shaheed and Mehdi Chowdhury were the first staff from the London-based charity to visit.

Shaheed commented, “The Human Relief Foundation is committed to continuing our work with the stricken Rohingya community for as long as it takes. I would like to extend our gratitude to Sylhet Aid in supporting this great cause.”

Shaheed will travel again in a few days to administer more relief and monitor progress.


•Read more about it:
Human Relief Foundation announces Co-op partnership
Rohingya: pressure builds on Aung San Suu Kyi


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