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Home / Food / Tesco recalls Tsukune Skewers over use by error

Tesco recalls Tsukune Skewers over use by error

IN A MAJOR error, Tesco labelled its own-brand Chicken Tsukune Skewers sa “use by 23rd December”. The label should have read “use by 10th December”.

The product contains 8 skewers, and this is reflected on the label. A chicken product can be very dangerous if it is eaten after the use-by date. Tesco is therefore recalling the product and has put warning notices up in stores where the product is sold.

Anyone who has a pack of the wrongly labelled skewers should take it in to any Tesco store, where you should receive a full refund. As this is an own-brand product, you do not have to take it back to the store where it was bought. Anyone with further questions is invited to ring 0800-505 555.

Some boycott organisations are calling on shoppers to boycott Tesco. The supermarket is currently converting its stores into a till-less operation it has set up a partnership with Trigo Retail to do this. Trigo is an Israeli star-up, and its CEO, Michael Gabay, is reported to be a “staunch Zionist”.

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