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Passengers at Canary Wharf will soon be able to access personalised travel info on the Bot.

TfL launches new “Travel Bot”

IF YOU ARE at a loose end next time you are on a Transport for London (TfL) service, stop and have a chat – with TfL’s new TravelBot. This is a new social media tool which uses artificial intelligence not only to answer your questions, but to have a conversation with you.

Tfl already handles thousands of questions from travellers via Facebook. The new TravelBot is designed to make the customer service even more efficient, with the Bot able to let you know everything from general service information right down to the specifics such as when your bus will arrive.

Features of the new Bot include the following.
Bus arrivals: customers can check when their bus is due to arrive by simply sharing their location or providing the bus stop code available at every bus stop. This will be particularly beneficial for customers at bus stops that don’t display ‘countdown’ information.
Bus route status: customers can ask for bus service updates, including information on bus route diversions.
Service updates: customers can ask for the latest service updates for the Tube, TfL Rail, London Overground, DLR and London Trams.
Maps: the TravelBot can provide Tube, Night Tube and rail maps
Message an agent: the TravelBot can refer customers to a customer service agent

That’s a great start – but as you use your Bot, the system will learn from you – and refine its future dealings with you to provide an ever better service to meet your needs. TfL has launched the Bot with the above services now, but plans are in place to add new features soon – such as journey planning and the issuing of status alerts.

To access the TfL TravelBot, search for “TfL TravelBot” on Facebook or go to:

•Read more about it:
Have a walk with TfL
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