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Youngsters playing in one of last winter's concerts.

THAMES: all that’s current this summer

Tower Hamlets Arts and Music Education Service (THAMES) is hosting a fabulous summer of free music events.


Tuesday, 23rd June will see the culmination of the THAMES Oompah Spectacular Brass Band workshops with a concert at Stratford Circus.

Also on 23rd June, THAMES and the London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) will be playing in the Take a Bow concert. This will be performed by 40 children from Globe, Osmani, Hague and St Saviour’s Primary School, who will perform alongside LSO musicians in a piece by Michael Betteridge, featuring violin soloist Nicola Benedetti. It will be held at LSO St Luke’s from 6.30-7.30pm. Tickets, priced at £7 (£5 concessions), are available from the Barbican Box office.

Borough Beats returns for a seventh year on Friday, 26th June, at Hackney Round Chapel from 6-7.30pm. Students from Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Barking & Dagenham will perform a free concert of percussion and drumming from all around the world. Previous concerts have seen more than 300 students playing together. Music styles including dhol, percussion, samba and Afro Cuban will be performed on steel pans, African drums and dance.

The Celebration Concert will be held at York Hall in Old Ford Road from 6-8pm on Wednesday, 1st July. It will feature guitars, strings and woodwind instruments and there will be a joint finale performance from Tower Hamlets Youth Orchestra and the THAMES Awards Orchestra. All of the students in the Youth Orchestra have rehearsed with guest conductor Phillip Scott. Parents and families are welcome to attend the Celebration Concert for free.

On Saturday, 11th July the THAMES Saturday Music Centre will perform their summer concert. Students meet every Saturday morning to form music ensembles such as orchestras and choirs. The concert will showcase a huge range of styles from 10.30am-12.30pm at St Paul’s Way Trust School.

For more information about THAMES, go to:

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