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Angela Eagle MP (left) is spearheading the MPs' campaign to overturn the members' decisive vote for Jeremy Corbyn.

The Eagle is stranded: party members turn on Angela

Labour Party members are rushing to express dismay at Angela Eagle’s announcement that she is trying to push Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn MP onto the back benches and bring back the policies that have lost Labour two General Elections in a row. At the core of the concern is a worry that even if Eagle were to find a way of being installed as Leader, she would leave Labour unelectable and could never be seen as a credible candidate for Prime Minister.

Labour Party members are waiting to see whether Angela Eagle wants to have an open campaign, in which she could contrast her policies with those of Jeremy Corbyn, or whether she will go along with a right wing plan to try to beat Corbyn by bureaucratic means, excluding him from the contest.

The more pessimistic members are remembering that Eagle only became the Labour candidate for Wallasey, the parliamentary seat she now holds, after what appeared to be some bending of the rules by Labour officials. The full story Labour’s bid to represent the people of Wallasey can be read here:

Party members know well that Eagle’s own Constituency Labour Party members do not support her attack on Corbyn. When MPs were trying to get support for a “no confidence” motion in Jeremy Corbyn, they wrote this letter to her:

Letter from Wallasey CLP to their Labour MP, Angela Eagle
Hello Angela
At the CLP AGM on Friday 24th June 2016, delegates asked me to write to you to ask you to reject the motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn.
The meeting was overwhelmingly behind Jeremy continuing as Labour leader. Your appearance on TV during the post referendum programme was mentioned. Your response in putting the question of his leadership aside to deal with the issues was welcomed.
The idea that the Labour Party would rather miss the chance to capitalise on the splits in the Tory party by in-fighting was not acceptable to members.
On behalf of the constituency I would ask you to make a clear public statement of support for him.
Kathy Miller & Kathy Runswick Secretary & Chair Wallasey CLP

Leading the complaints inspired by her policies is a worry over Eagle’s support for the invasion and occupation of Iraq. Although she is said to have regretted her vote, to have to admit – so soon after the Chilcot report – that you were taken in by Tony Blair is not going to impress potential voters.

One local Labour Party member told East London News, “Labour Party members in Tower Hamlets have seen what happens when the people hidden away at Head Office over-rule grassroots members. If Angela Eagle tries to win by finding some rule to keep Jeremy Corbyn out of the race, voters in her constituency may even turn against her and she could lose her seat. After Tower Hamlets, Labour should realise you just can’t take the voters for granted.”

Another member said, “We need a strong Labour Party that can really stand up to a Theresa May-led Tory Government. I think everyone who wants to see a Labour Government that can help give us affordable housing, free education and which will work for peace should contact Angela Eagle and ask her to back off and let Jeremy Corby get on with it. Jeremy Corbyn has been a good friend to Muslims and to ethnic minorities (as well as to other groups), and now we need to return the favour and stand up for him as Labour Leader by asking Angela Eagle to back off.”

How to contact Angela Eagle to protest about her attempt to ditch Jeremy Corbyn
Twitter: @angelaeagle
(or go on to and use the “tweet Angela” button).
Telephone her at the House of Commons on 020-7219 3843 or 020-7219 5057 or in her constituency on 0151-637 1979.
Write to her at: House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA or Sherlock House, 6 Manor Road, Liscard, Wallasey, Wirral, CH45 4JB




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