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Roman Road

The road to improvement

Cllr Ayas Miah, Cabinet Member for Environment who did not get a chance to speak during the last Cabinet meeting, welcomed recent road improvements in the borough, with a brief and succinct comment: “We continue to work hard to improve all roads and pavements in the borough for the benefit of everyone.”
His words came as the Council announced that it had completed works in Old Bethnal Green Road, just to the north of the Labour Party offices. Drainage systems and the pedestrian crossing have been improved. The road and pavements have been levelled so people with mobility difficulties will find it easier to cross the road. Resurfacing work has also been undertaken in the Labour heartland of Roman Road. All the improvements were scrutinised to ensure they would benefit all road users – drivers, cyclists and pedestrians alike.
The Council’s Public Realm engineering service has also completed works in Wentworth Street Market. Using £632,000 allocated through Transport for London’s (TfL’s) Local Implementation Plan funding over the past two years, the Council has created a smoother carriageway with improved facilities for pedestrians and a more orderly layout for the market area. Gates have also been installed to enable the market area to be safely closed to traffic during operating hours.



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