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The war and the misery continue in Syria

HUMAN APPEAL has been working to alleviate suffering in Syria since the outbreak of the civil war. Tragically, it looks like the hard working charity will be there for a long while yet.

The violence of war is continuing. Parts of the northern province of Idlib have been bombed recently – leading to further loss of life. Eastern Ghouta is another difficult area to be alive in at the moment. The area, which used to grow food for Damascus, is “home” to some 400,000 people at the moment who have little access to food or medical resources. The area is under siege: supplies can’t get in – and there’s still a lot of winter to survive.

As the fighting continues, people continue to leave their homes in the hope of finding better conditions elsewhere – the “displaced”, internal refugees. If they reach Idlib, they find that so many are the numbers of displaced people that the makeshift camps can hardly cope.

Civilians huddle in Idlib without adequate food, clean water, sanitation or shelter. Aid agencies have said it is only a question of when, not if, disease breaks out: will it be cholera, diphtheria or hepatitis?

Information and photo: Human Appeal

You can help Human Appeal try to alleviate some of this suffering by donating to their Syria Emergency Appeal. Go to:
Human Appeal Syria Emergency

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